University of British Columbia (UBC)
Like the University of Colorado at Boulder, UBC has engaged in a major initiative started by Dr. Carl Wieman. Wrapping up in 2017-2018, the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) at UBC has spanned 10 years (5-7 years per department) and involved embedding postdocs and contract faculty (Science Teaching and Learning Fellows) in departments to partner with faculty to transform undergraduate courses, with a focus on articulating clear course goals, measuring what students are learning, and introducing evidence-based teaching practices to achieve the established goals. Over 50 Fellows have worked with over 170 faculty to substantially transform over 150 courses, with over 40 more partially transformed by CWSEI efforts – in all, about 2/3 of all credit hours taught in the Faculty of Science at UBC.
Based on this experience as well as efforts in advising and hosting interested colleagues from other campuses, UBC serves as a mentor and comparative institution in the TRESTLE network.
To learn more about initiatives at UBC, visit the Skylight (Science Centre for Learning and Teaching) website: https://skylight.science.ubc.ca/projects
Campus Leaders
Warren Code, PhD
Associate Director
Skylight (Science Centre for Learning and
Gülnur Birol, PhD
Skylight (Science Centre for Learning and
All UBC Faculty of Science departments have
participated in the Carl Wieman Science
Education Initiative; see
for a full list of projects.
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
- Life Sciences (departments of Zoology, Botany, and Microbiology & Immunology)
- Mathematics
- Physics & Astronomy
- Statistics